Infrastructure Work
Site Acquisition for the applicable RF selected candidate sites.
Survey and Preparation of Drawings. Design and Submission for
Approval from concerned Statutory Authorities. Implementation
of network related infrastructure which includes civil, electrical
and installation of shelters, DG sets and Air Conditioners.
Installation and commissioning of equipments required for telecom
networks. Offering the executed work for Acceptance Testing.
Submission of a Built Drawings after successful Acceptance test.
Operation and maintenance with 24 hours vigil on the sites thru
its strength of security staff
Main OSP complying customer/ TEC/DOT Specifications. Fibre and
copper management including testing. Direct burial OSP as per
customer specifications. Installation and operation of Transmission
equipments. Route maintenance. Operation and maintenance (route)
with 24 hours vigil on the route thru its strength of security
staff. End-to-end (OTDR based ) fiber optic link testing covering
slicing and commissioning to optical joint boxes.